Healthy Diet Rules – 10 Rules For a Healthy Diet
2 min readHere are some rules for a healthy diet:
- Eat a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
- Space your meals out by at least 3 hours per day.
- Do not eat at least 3 hours before you go to bed.
- Drink at least 10 cups (8 ounces each) of water every day.
- Get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times per week.
- Only eat until you are satisfied at each meal. Never eat until you are too full.
- Do not mindlessly munch on food. Keep track of everything you eat.
- Whenever you have the urge to snack, avoid “junk” foods. Opt for healthy fruits, vegetables, or nuts instead.
- Choose foods that are low in fat, low in sugar, and low in sodium, and high in fiber.
- Eat organic foods as much as possible.
Believe it or not, just following these 10 simple rules can make a huge difference in terms of weight loss and fitness. Without even following a formal diet regimen, you can expect to lose weight. Albeit, the weight loss will be very gradual and slow.
What are the benefits of following these simple rules?
- Your overall bodily health will improve because you are eating more of the right kinds of doods.
- You will be less prone to cancers and diseases.
- You can live longer.
- As you age, you will retain your health, energy, and strength.
- You will experience an overall increase in your well-being.
- You will lose weight.
Yes, indeed you will lose weight as well. You will not shed pounds very quickly. It will be more gradual. But you WILL lose weight.
Source by Dawn Woods