May 9, 2024


Get Rid Cellulite

Tumescent Liposuction – Post Op Results

2 min read

PART THREE: You’re watching it!

So after what seems like a lifetime of diet after diet and countless gym memberships and workout plans, my “mommy shelf” as I like to call it, just wouldn’t go away. After having Mia, i developed this large horizontal hanging bulge of fat below my belly button that ran the entire width of my body. After going to Klein Dermatology for lip filler, I learned that they performed a cutting edge procedure called “Tumescent Liposcution”.

In essence, its a form of liposuction where you are fully awake for the procedure, the area is numbed, and then the fat is sucked out. It is essentially painless and there is little to no downtime. It turns out that not only did Dr. Klein perform this procedure over 8,000 times but he is the one who actually invented it and trains other doctors on how to perform it. Dr. Norma, has been with Dr. Klein since practically the beginning and has performed the procedure 3,000 times. They are like the Batman and Robin of Tumescent Liposuction. EXACTLY who I wanted to do my procedure. After consulting with Dr. Klein and Dr. Norma, they assured me I was a great candidate for the Tumescent Lipo procedure and would be extremely happy with my results.

This video is part 1 of a 3 part series and will showcase the “Pre-Op” portion of my procedure.

My Doctors:
(949) 248-1632

Procedure Overview:

Pre-Op: Visit with doctor and staff to go over desired areas, pricing, procedure, expectations, after care, etc. Day of Surgery: Infiltration – Takes about 60+/- minutes, the area is injected with lidocane to numb it.

Marinate – About 90 minutes where you relax and let the numbing take full effect. You are fully awake and can read a book, play on your phone, or do what I did and take a nap lol

Liposuction – anywhere from 1-2 hours depending on area size, a small cannula is used to take the fat out safely and precisely. Post Op: You are wrapped up with a layer of absorbent pads, covered by a shapewear garment and then binders. This keeps swelling to a minimum and helps the healing process. There will be some “leaking” as the remaining fluid exits the body through the tiny holes through which the infiltration and liposuction were done. This typically only lasts 48 hours of less. Mine was super quick and very minimal after the first 24 hours. I had purchased a waterproof liner for my bed to be safe but never soaked through my garments or pads which is awesome.


34 thoughts on “Tumescent Liposuction – Post Op Results

  1. thank you so much for sharing your story online. its so brave and helpful for those considering the same thing. You're so beautiful inside and out and now more so

  2. Hello Iโ€™ve I just join your YouTube channel ๐Ÿฅฐ I wanted to get a little more information this and what way then someone that has gotten it done already. I was wondering if you have an IG were we can send you msg! FYI you look amazing and best of luck on your journey ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜

  3. Hey, I'm so very Insecure about my body and really want liposuction on tummy and also sides so I get more hourglass affect. But idk where to go to get it in Ontario Canada. So if you can let me know if very much appreciate it! Cause I am just so numb about myself now it's so unhealthy

  4. Mira en Colombia te hubiera quedado un cuerpazo, pero debes usar faja las 24 horas del dรญa durante los primeros 3 meses y te tiene que hacer mรญnimo un mes de masajes continuos.
    Pero si asรญ you are happy congratulaciones.

  5. Your problem is only lack of sport and food. Ride a bicycle every second day, with average speed above 12 mph, 15 miles distance. Drink water mainly, not cola, no alcohol. Eat self-made pizza 2 times a day ( 180 gram dough, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, mozzarella cheese – 2 times a day. 10 am and 5 pm. You will see simply amazing results. I did that and lost 10 kg in 3 months. I am still 10 kg less after another 6 months (it is winter so I do not cycle)

  6. How long did you wear your compression? And did your pannus become flatter? I have 7 kids and i only want lipo not tummy tuck but afraid it might look horrible wants the fat is remove

  7. Watching your video made me call and set up my appointment I'm having it done Feb1st 2019 along with a nonsurgical breast lift you look great and I'm super excited thank you thank you thank you for giving me the push that I needed to take the leap to be a better version of myself.

  8. You look amazing, Congratulations๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  9. Thank you so much for posting these 3 videos. I have been considering getting this surgery and have been watching videos online but none of them really did it for me. I needed someone I could relate to like a real person and this has really helped me. I had my consultation today, and will most likely be getting it. thank you again.

  10. Wow! amazing results. I plan on having this done real soon. I've lost 90 pounds so far in a year and still have the poochy tummy and bingo arms. Want to lose the pooch, contour arms, breast lift, back of thighs and back fat sucked away. Going on a cruise in February and want to wear a bikini. Thank you for the videos and asking the questions.

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