May 2, 2024


Get Rid Cellulite

How to Make Homemade Cellulite Cream Using Cocoa Butter

2 min read

If you’ve got problems with cellulite and want beautiful skin on your thighs, buttocks, legs, and arms, anti-cellulite cream is a must. Unfortunately, most of the cream available at super markets and drug stores is ridiculously expensive. It’s also made in factories using chemicals that are anything but natural.

Luckily, there is an alternative: Make your own homemade cellulite cream. One type I would recommend is a balm made from cocoa butter and a couple types of oil. It’s 100% natural and safe, and works just as well as those expensive commercial cellulite creams.

This balm will act to prevent the growth of cellulite where ever you apply it on your skin. To make it, you will need:

To make this treatment, you will need the following items:

  • Cocoa Butter
  • Grape Seed Oil & Orange Blossom Oil
  • Non-Petroleum Jelly [Please note the non-petroleum part]

Here are the steps you must follow:

  1. Make sure you have all the ingredients listed above.
  2. Mix the Cocoa Butter, Grape Seed Oil, and Non-Petroleum Jelly in a double broiler. Stir Gently and remove from flame.
  3. Wait for the mixture to melt.
  4. Sir the mixture some more.
  5. Add the Blossom Orange Oil to the mixture.
  6. Done! You now have homemade cellulite cream.

To store the completed cream, you will need a container with a tight sealing lid. It is best to keep it refrigerated for several hours before using it the first time

When you do get around to using it, apply it to the areas which give you the most cellulite trouble (In my case, that would be the thighs). Firmly rub it along the surface of the skin as if you were giving yourself a massage. Repeat two or three times. Do this once a day or several times a week until you begin to see results.

This homemade cellulite cream is effective, but if you have a very unhealthy lifestyle its progress will be slow. Cellulite builds up in the body because of poor diet and lack of exercise, so make lifestyle changes if you really want healthy and beautiful skin.

Source by Karen Gluckfeld | Newsphere by AF themes.