May 6, 2024


Get Rid Cellulite

Cellulite Is Not Fat : Causes Of Cellulite Appearance

4 min read

Cellulite Is Not Fat, you may have seen cellulite appearance, or even have it on your thighs, buttocks, or arms. However, do you know what cellulite is?

Many people think that cellulite is a heap of fat. Some say that cellulite consists of toxins and excess water trapped under the skin. However, the truth is, cellulite is a condition that affects the appearance of the skin in areas with fat deposits (most clearly on the buttocks and thighs), which makes the skin appear curved and bumpy.

cellulite is not fat

The cause of cellulite is not fat

Fats are not responsible for the appearance of thick, bumpy cellulite. In some situations, fat can be a thing that beautifies the body. Facial fat is what makes you have the full, taut cheeks that you see in young people. Plastic surgeons even charge a high cost for injecting fat into a patient’s face and body area. In fact, fat injections are sometimes used as a treatment to improve the appearance of cellulite.

So, what makes cellulite different from “normal” fat? The structure of the overlying skin and the structure of the connective tissue below it determine whether the area has a smooth appearance, or is bumpy, aka cellulite.

Why do almost all women have cellulite while men rarely?

Have you ever wondered why men rarely have cellulite, even when he is fat? Alternatively, why fat little children do not have cellulite? However, in women, even very slim people usually have cellulite?

Although cellulite tends to get worse with increasing amounts of fat found in some regions of the body, cellulite can affect even the thinnest women. The reason is that although fat deposits do worsen the condition, fat itself is not the leading cause.

Under the skin, lies a layer of fibrous connective tissue that functions to attach the skin to the muscles underneath. In most men, the connective tissue is arranged cross-sectionally or diagonally, in a smooth and continuous pattern.

Women’s connective tissue is another story; This tissue is arranged vertically (perpendicular to the skin). Therefore, fiber belts (called septa) tie the skin to the underlying tissue at specific points, which in turn creates a separate “fat space” to push against the skin while the fiber belt pulls the skin down.

This difference in the regulation of connective tissue (coupled with the fact that men usually have thicker skin than women) explains why far fewer men have cellulite than women.

The older you get, the worse your cellulite gets

When we are young, our connective tissue is springy and elastic, stretches, and adjusts to the skin so that everything stays smooth. Then puberty occurs, and hormones disrupt connective tissue, making it stiffer and less elastic. At the same time, our fat cells tend to stretch in certain areas, pushing out on the skin.

As the connective tissue fibers shrink and become stiff with age, they increasingly pull down the skin. At the same time, this increased fat storage is pressing out in the surrounding area. Combine these two events, and the result is a surface that is bumpy and looks unattractive.

As we get older, the outer layers of the skin weaken, thin out, and lose elasticity. Gravity has a negative effect, and the skin starts to sag. Because septa connective tissue remains intact and often shrinks and stiffens further over time, the appearance of cellulite continues to deteriorate with age.

Another factor that exacerbates the development of cellulite is the weight that goes up and down. The repetitive cycle of weight gain and loss will further damage skin elasticity, making cellulite more clearly visible.

How to eliminate and disguise the appearance of cellulite.

You can improve (not eliminate) the appearance of cellulite by living a healthy lifestyle. This means maintaining hydration, not smoking, and following a sensible diet and exercise program.

The right combination of diet and exercise will reduce the layer of fat under the skin, making cellulite less visible. The right diet can also make the skin and connective tissue stay active, healthy, and more resilient. Also, maintaining hydration and eating correctly will help prevent fluid retention (which worsens cellulite).

Exercise can help cellulite in many ways. Not only does it help maintain low-fat levels, but exercise also improves blood circulation and muscle shape in cellulite-prone areas. Increased blood circulation will maintain healthy skin and connective tissue, and help eliminate waste and excess fluid retention.

Cellulite cannot be removed entirely

You can go on the best diet and exercise program in the world, and still end up with cellulite. This is because the appearance of cellulite, its severity, and the location of its appearance, is primarily influenced by hormones and heredity.

Although some several treatments and procedures can somewhat improve the appearance of cellulite, there is no “cure” for cellulite. Most cellulite drugs are nothing more than mere placebos. However, as mentioned above, cellulite can still be disguised so that it is not too visible. The following natural ingredients you can also try to refine the appearance of cellulite. | Newsphere by AF themes.