Top Three Natural Fertility Treatments
3 min readMany people find it difficult to imagine the devastating effects that infertility can have on a woman’s psyche. However, when a woman is finding it difficult to conceive, it is not only her mind that one needs to worry about, it is her body as well. Conventional medical treatments for infertility can be down right invasive, not to mention painful, and a lot of the modern drugs are extremely harsh on the body’s systems. The good news is that, while conventional treatments are dreadful, natural treatments can be an extremely relaxing and pleasurable.
Ever since the beginning of time there have been women, and men, who find it difficult to reproduce, and believe it or not even then there were treatments for it. The only difference was that people long ago didn’t have our technology, so they had to find techniques that worked naturally. These treatments were so effective that even now, in our technologically advanced society, we call on them for help. One prime example of a natural technique that has definitely stood the test of time is acupuncture.
Acupuncture has been used by traditional Chinese herbalist and healers for centuries, and at its rate of success it will most likely continue to be used for several more centuries to come. The truly great thing about acupuncture is while most other fertility treatments specifically target women, acupuncture has proven effective at increasing a man’s fertility as well as a woman’s. Acupuncture has been put to the test several times and has nearly always come out as causing significant improvement as a whole. The point of acupuncture is not to cure a disease itself, but to direct positive energy and allow the body to heal itself.
The second extremely effective natural fertility treatment is Self Fertility Massage. Self Fertility Massage is a highly advanced form of therapy that combines several different types of massage that are all focused on very specific fertility issues. For instance, one type of massage included in the therapy is Myofacial release. Myofacial release directly affects the myofacial tissues that have a tendency to bind and create blockages; a common cause of infertility. Self Fertility Massage also includes the use of acupressure, which is basically acupuncture without the needles. The best thing is this therapy can be used as a bonding experience between you and your partner, or performed on yourself, by yourself in a quite relaxing moment.
Finally, the third natural therapy on the top three list is…Therapeutic Abdominal Packs. This completely natural oil has been used for centuries as an external healing agent; the oil is placed on the outside of the skin yet penetrates its healing powers all the way through to the organs. Therapeutic Abdominal packs are commonly used in a variety of fertility conditions such as, ovarian and uterine cysts, blocked tubes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and much more. A great way to integrate two of these therapies is by using the therapeutic oil in conjunction with the self fertility massage.
The truly amazing thing about natural therapy is it has a way of healing not only your body, but your soul as well. Many of these techniques are thought to be so effective because of the amount of peace an individual can find within their self during such a relaxing moment. Whether you decide to do one treatment or all three, try and forget everything during your sessions…work, bills, everything. Leave all stressful events outside, and just let go for that short period of time. I am sure if you do these things not only will you find yourself far more relaxed, but you may just find yourself pregnant before you know it.